Upgrading to v4

Version 4 is not backwards compatible. Nearly all behaviours and integrations changed. This document covers all breaking changes and should give guidance how to migrate from previous versions.

This document is not a full change log, but a migration path.

Python support

  • This tool requires Python 3.8 or later. It is tested with CPython, support for PyPy is best effort.

Entry points

  • Access via deprecated cyclonedx-bom was removed. Call cyclonedx-py instead.

  • Access via cyclonedx stayed untouched.

  • Access via python -m cyclonedx_py stayed untouched.

Changed Command Line Interface (CLI)

The following describes migration paths only. For a full list of all features and capabilities, as well as additional examples, see the “usage” documentation.

Source: Conda

“Conda provides package, dependency, and environment management for any language”


Conda (lock file) analysis was entirely removed for the fact that conda is not dedicated to Python. Yes, conda has some capabilities of managing Python packages and environments, but it does so much more.

However, conda’s Python environments are fully supported now. See the “usage” documentation for examples.

Old: cyclonedx-py -c ... and cyclonedx-py -cj ...

New: It depends. See the “usage” documentation for examples.

Source: Environment

The functionality was moved to an own subcommand: environment.

Old: cyclonedx-py -e

New: cyclonedx-py environment

Source: Poetry

The functionality was moved to an own subcommand: poetry. It no longer accepts a lockfile as input, but needs a directory instead.

Old: cyclonedx-py -p -i some/path/poetry.lock

New: cyclonedx-py poetry some/path

Source: Pipenv

The functionality was moved to an own subcommand: pipenv. It no longer accepts a lockfile as input, but needs a directory instead.

Old: cyclonedx-py -pip -i some/path/Pipfile.lock

New: cyclonedx-py pipenv some/path

Source: Requirements

The functionality was moved to an own subcommand: requirements.

Old: cyclonedx-py -r -i some/path/requirements.txt

New: cyclonedx-py requirements some/path/requirements.txt

Input option

The CLI option to determine the input parameters were moved to own subcommand arguments. Therefore all is subcommand-dependant - see the “usage” documentation.

Output option: Schema version

The CLI option to determine the desired CycloneDX schema version was moved to own subcommand option --schema-version. Its new default value is 1.5 now.

Old: cyclonedx-py --schema-version 1.2 ...

New: Example cyclonedx-py environment --schema-version 1.2 ...

Output option: Format

The CLI option to determine the desired CycloneDX format was moved to own subcommand option: --output-format. Its default value is JSON now.

Old: cyclonedx-py --output-format json ...

New: Example cyclonedx-py environment --output-format JSON ...

Output option: File

The CLI option to determine the desired output file/target was moved to own subcommand option: --outfile. Its default value is - now, meaning print to stdout.

Old: cyclonedx-py --output some/path/my.sbom ...

New: Example cyclonedx-py environment --outfile some/path/my.sbom ...

Output verbosity

The CLI was turned to be as non-verbose as possible, per default. It only outputs the resulting SBOM on stdout. All other output, like warnings or error messages, is sent to stderr.

Additional output can be enabled with the subcommand option -v.

Example: cyclonedx-py environment -v ...

Enable debug

  • The option -X was removed. Use subcommand option -v two times instead, like so: -vv.

Example: cyclonedx-py environment -vv ...

BomRefs based on PURL

The option --purl-bom-ref was entirely removed.

Per CycloneDX specifications, bom-ref values were never intended to shp any meaning, but being linkable. Therefore, bom-ref values are arbitrary stings, period.

PURL values

PURL values may be longer now, to shop more meaning. All according to PackageURL spec

It is a known fact, that some SBOM ingesting tools have issues with PURL values being longer than x characters. You may use the CLI option --short-PURLs, which causes information loss in trade-off shorter PURL values.

Removed API

  • All public API was removed. You might call the stable CLI instead, like so:

    from sys import executable
    from subprocess import run
    run((executable, '-m', 'cyclonedx_py', '--help'))