
Module Contents



Internal abstract parser - not for programmatic use.


This parser is intended to receive the output from the command conda list --json.


This parser is intended to receive the output from the command conda list --explicit or

class cyclonedx_py.parser.conda._BaseCondaParser(conda_data: str, use_purl_bom_ref: bool = False, *, debug_message: cyclonedx_py.parser._debug.DebugMessageCallback = quiet)[source]

Bases: cyclonedx.parser.BaseParser

Internal abstract parser - not for programmatic use.

abstract _parse_to_conda_packages(data_str: str) None[source]

Abstract method for implementation by concrete Conda Parsers.

Implementation should add a list of CondaPackage instances to self._conda_packages


str data passed into the Parser

_conda_packages_to_components(use_purl_bom_ref: bool) None[source]

Converts the parsed CondaPackage instances into Component instances.

class cyclonedx_py.parser.conda.CondaListJsonParser(conda_data: str, use_purl_bom_ref: bool = False, *, debug_message: cyclonedx_py.parser._debug.DebugMessageCallback = quiet)[source]

Bases: _BaseCondaParser

This parser is intended to receive the output from the command conda list –json.

_parse_to_conda_packages(data_str: str) None[source]

Abstract method for implementation by concrete Conda Parsers.

Implementation should add a list of CondaPackage instances to self._conda_packages


str data passed into the Parser

class cyclonedx_py.parser.conda.CondaListExplicitParser(conda_data: str, use_purl_bom_ref: bool = False, *, debug_message: cyclonedx_py.parser._debug.DebugMessageCallback = quiet)[source]

Bases: _BaseCondaParser

This parser is intended to receive the output from the command conda list –explicit or conda list –explicit –md5.

_parse_to_conda_packages(data_str: str) None[source]

Abstract method for implementation by concrete Conda Parsers.

Implementation should add a list of CondaPackage instances to self._conda_packages


str data passed into the Parser